Advisory, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy, Mołdowa, Post-communist transition and development issues, wzrost gospodarczy

Wzrost gospodarczy w krajach WNP

Opis projektu:

W ramach projektu badawczego Global Development Network (GDN) nt. "Explaining Growth" Artur Radziwiłł z CASE oraz Oleg Petruszkin z Center for Strategic Studies and Reforms (CISR) w Kiszyniowie przygotowali monografię nt. barier wzrostu gospodarczego w Mołdowie ("Barriers to Growth in Moldova").


G.Ofer, R. Pomfret (red.),  The Economic Prospects of the CIS - Sources of Long Term Growth since 1991 - collected papers from the GDN-CIS "explaining growth" project (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK).