Advisory, Europe, Trade, economic integration and globalization

Quality competition on EU-15 markets in 1995-2006: general assessment and the position of CEE exporters



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Quality competition on EU-15 markets in 1995-2006: general assessment and the position of CEE exporters


Fiscal Policy



Krzysztof Szczygielski

CASE  Administrator:



Beata Matysiewicz




The goal of the project is to assess changes in quality of the manufacturing output of several countries exporting to the EU-15 markets, in particular of the four CEE countries - Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.


The project relies on a statistical and econometric analysis for which the Comext database of Eurostat is used. Quality indicators are introduced and explained.


An analytical report will be produced that will present the theoretical background and hypotheses for the quality measures adopted. The report will provide a comparative analysis between the four countries in question and Germany, USA, Japan and China, and it will also examine how average quality differs across markets.