27 Sep 2007 | NEWS

Ukraine at a Crossroads

Sixteen years after obtaining independence and three years after the Orange Revolution, Ukraine has reached a crossroads. It has broken with the Soviet and totalitarian past but its democracy is still young and fragile, and therefore vulnerable to...

29 Aug 2007 | NEWS

EU Migration Policy creates instability rather than solidarity in the region

In the recent CASE Report, State of the Art: The Nexus between European Neighborhood Policy and Justice and Home Affairs, authors Elspeth Guild, Vi...

27 Jul 2007 | NEWS

Globalization is the great economic and political force of our era. Behind it are: declining costs of communication and transport, the worldwide mo...

27 Jul 2007 | NEWS

Euro Area: Current Account Imbalances

A real appreciation of the euro against the currencies of its main trading partners appears to have a substantial effect on the Euro area’s net exp...

25 Jul 2007 | NEWS

New approach to ODA policies

“Europe has, in the last decades, experienced a number of success stories in moving out of poverty and onto sustainable economic growth. The secret...

24 Jul 2007 | NEWS

EU-Russia FTA Feasibility Study

“Both Russia and the EU would benefit from a bilateral free trade agreement in the future, particularly if it is deep one,” according to CASE exper...

13 Jul 2007 | NEWS

Newly established CASE Belarus joins CASE network

We are pleased to welcome our newest daughter organization, CASE Belarus, into the CASE network. Representatives of CASE, CASE Ukraine and IPM Rese...