19 Nov 2007 | NEWS

Aslund: Russia’s Situation is Untenable

In his latest book, Russia's Capitalist Revolution: Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed, Anders Aslund describes Russia’s successful transition to a market economy, and its failure to transform into a democracy. Aslund concludes that...

16 Nov 2007 | NEWS

Rostowski named Polish Minister of Finance

Jacek Rostowski, one of the founders of CASE and a member of the CASE Supervisory Board, has been named Minister of Finance in the new Polish gover...

14 Nov 2007 | NEWS

Poland's Economy after the Elections: Is Inflation a threat?

"The Polish economy lost some of its momentum in the third quarter of 2007. Though inflationary pressures were modest in the third quarter, there a...

22 Oct 2007 | NEWS

Reforming the Ukrainian State and Improving the Business Climate

In spite of the impressive economic growth recorded in the first decade of the 2000s, Ukraine is not a business-friendly country. In this two page...

09 Oct 2007 | NEWS

Challenges to China's Growth

In the latest paper in the CASE Network Studies and Analyses series, Dr. Wing Thye Woo asks, "What could derail China's high growth?" He draws an a...

01 Oct 2007 | NEWS

Positive Growth in Euro Area in 2007

Despite uncertainty about the evolution of the situation in financial markets, the authors of the EUROFRAME EFN Autumn report forecast economic exp...

27 Sep 2007 | NEWS

Jeffrey Sachs, Marek Dabrowski debate effectiveness of aid

Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, and a member of the CASE Advisory Council, presented his vision for effe...