
‘Why is the Debt Crisis Spreading through the Euro Area?’ Charles Wyplosz presents at the upcoming BRE Bank - CASE seminar

Professor Charles Wyplosz will present at BRE Bank – CASE seminar and will discuss why the Debt Crisis is spreading throughout the Euro Area. The current sovereign debt crisis has so far hit only developed countries and, amongst them, only countries within the Euro area. Those affected have varied fiscal discipline records and also the sources of their fiscal woes are different. The only common feature is that they belong to the Euro area and therefore one can suggest that the Monetary Union creates vulnerabilities that have not been widely detected until now.

This is the starting point of the presentation by Professor Charles Wyplosz, a renown macroeconomist, specialist on monetary policy and Professor of international economics at the Graduate Institute in Geneva will make at the 115th BRE Bank-CASE seminar this coming Thursday, 16 June 2011.