Europe, Infrastructure, energy and climate change

Publication of the CASE Report „Economic potential of shale gas production in Poland in the years 2012-2025. Scenario analysis”

Thanks to shale gas the United States has achieved energy self-sufficiency and the price of gas has decreased, contributing to an increase in industrial production, which in turn has resulted in additional GDP growth and job creation. Would a similar scenario, taking into account all proposals, be possible in Poland?

The CASE report shows that national shale gas extraction may become the driving force of the entire economy in the coming decades and the catalyst for deep structural changes, especially in the area of electric power. Poland has the opportunity to become the biggest European centre of competence for the improvement of extraction technologies. Benefiting from national shale gas production demands international cooperation. This implies the creation of legal and tax frameworks for entities that have experience in extracting oil and gas from unconventional reserves.

Click here for the full report "Economic potential for shale gas production in Poland in 2010-2025. Scenario analysis" in Polish.