Energy Investment Potential: Ukraine

Beginning in February, CASE will complete a 4 month study for the OECD digging deep to uncover the potential of energy savings, efficiency improvements, and the use of environmentally friendly technology, in the energy market in Ukraine. 

The study will be a part of the OECD Investment Policy Review of Ukraine carried out by the OECD Investment Division. In addition to this specific chapter on energy investment policy completed by CASE, the review will analyze recent trends in Ukraine’s foreign direct investment, its progress in developing a transparent and non-discriminatory foreign investment regime, interaction and coherence of different policies influencing the broader investment climate, and public policies for promoting responsible business conduct. 

After consultations with Ukrainian authorities in June 2010, the review will be discussed in the OECD Investment Committee by the end of the year and published at the beginning of 2011.  The objective of the Investment Committee’s peer review of Ukraine is to enhance the country’s policy convergence with the OECD investment instruments and prepare the ground for its eventual adherence to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises.

The study (Investment in support of energy savings and efficiency and in environment friendly energy resources and technologies in Ukraine: Government policies and business practices) will be lead by CASE Fellow Wojciech Paczynski.