Advisory, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, economic reforms, Financial sector, Labor market, social policy and social services, Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy, Post-communist transition and development issues, Private sector development, innovation and knowledge-based economy, Russia, Trade, economic integration and globalization

Support to Economic Reform in FSU Countries [Russia]


A group of experts led by Marek Dabrowski cooperated in the preparation of a reform program for the first reformist governments of Russia. Work with Acting Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar, and Deputy Boris Fyodorov and Anatoly Chubais in 1991-1994 concerned macroeconomic policy (including monetary and fiscal policy), dissolution of the ruble zone, the financial and banking sectors, price liberalization, privatization, demonopolization, social policy, liberalization of foreign trade, institutional reform and also trade relations with other countries (including countries of the former USSR).

The Stefan Batory Foundation and the Open Society Institute financed the project.

Marek Dabrowski and Jacek Rostowski (reform strategy, macroeconomic policy, monetary and fiscal policy, dissolution of the ruble area), Andrzej Topinski and Wojciech Kostrzewa (banking sector), [Wladyslaw Jermakowicz] and Julian Pankow (privatization), Anna Fornalczyk and Ryszard Hoffman (demonopolization and deconcentration), [Helena Goralska] and Irina Sinicyna (social policy), Piotr Kozarzewski (political issues), and Rafal Antczak (foreign trade) took part in the project.

Between 1992 and 1995 the following countries of the former USSR were also included into the project: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.