21 Oct 2010 | NEWS

Will the U.S. Dollar Remain the Global Reserve Currency?

The U.S. economy's rapidly growing trade and current account deficits (2003-2007) along with the systematic weakening of the dollar have raised several concerns about its future as the global reserve currency. The global financial crisis of 2007-2...

18 Oct 2010 | NEWS

Barriers to innovation

The lack of qualified personnel influences a series of other barriers to innovation, explained CASE expert Anna Wziatek-Kubiak at the most recent C...

13 Oct 2010 | NEWS

Lessons into Policy: Framework for Managing Fiscal Crises in the EMU

The risk of rising account imbalances following the financial crisis of 2007-2009, and the gravity of the fiscal situation in Greece has sparked a...

30 Sep 2010 | NEWS

Crisis Impact on Emerging Market Economies: Evidence from mid-2010

While emerging market economies were major beneficiaries of the economic boom before 2007; more recently, they have become the victims of the globa...

29 Sep 2010 | NEWS

“Now is the time for Africa to leapfrog”

28 September 2010, Dr. Edward Brown spoke about the Challenges of Transformation in Africa at a CASE Policy Research Seminar.  Dr. Brown explained...

23 Sep 2010 | NEWS

Firms, Competitiveness and the Knowledge-Based Economy

Nearing the completion of the MICRO-DYN research project, CASE met with all participating institutions for an academic conference in Cambridge, 6-1...

21 Sep 2010 | NEWS

MEDPRO launches the project website

MEDPRO– Mediterranean Prospects is a consortium of 17 highly reputed institutions from throughout the Mediterranean funded under the EU’s 7th Frame...