14 Jan 2011 | NEWS

CASE has been awarded a new project within the Provision of economic analysis in the area of taxation framework contract

Under the Provision of economic analysis in the area of taxation framework contract with the European Commission Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union, CASE has been awarded a new project titled: The retrospective evaluation of elements o...

11 Jan 2011 | NEWS

The Demand for Innovation: PICK-ME

Starting in January CASE will implement under the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission, PICK-ME: Policy Incentives for the Creati...

07 Jan 2011 | NEWS

CASE helps prepare the evaluation of the Small Business Act for Europe implementation

CASE team prepares the policy parts of the SME (small and medium Enterprises) Fact Sheets for five countries - Croatia, Macedonia, Poland, Serbia,...

06 Jan 2011 | NEWS

Long-Term Care Systems in Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic and Romania

Rising demographic pressure has moved sustainable long-term care systems for elderly to the front ranks of the social policy agenda in the European...

05 Jan 2011 | NEWS

Emerging from Crisis: the Mediterranean Neighborhood

The financial crisis engulfed the entire world economy, but the impact was uneven across many regions and countries. Due to a lower degree of finan...

17 Dec 2010 | NEWS

New framework contracts enhance CASE project activity

In the past few months CASE has been successful in forging new institutional partnerships and competing for a series of Framework Contracts from se...

29 Nov 2010 | NEWS

Public Finances in Support of Growth in the EU Mediterranean Partner Countries

Until the early 1990s, the discussions on fiscal policy primarily centered on the functions of economic stabilization, income redistribution and re...