09 May 2012 | NEWS

Shale gas conference in Warsaw

Warsaw, May 9th, at the Shale Gas Poland 2012 Conference, representatives of embassies, international institutions, media and Universities were discussing the three main topics relating to the prospect of shale gas exploration in Poland: geopoliti...

02 May 2012 | NEWS

Can Europe avoid falling in to a Japanese-style stagnation trap?

Can Europe avoid falling in to a Japanese-style stagnation trap? In this type of trap, we see a repeated cycle of a financial crisis leading to a f...

02 May 2012 | NEWS

Financial Integration in Emerging Europe: an Enviable Development Opportunity with Tail Risks

CASE latest post conference paper has been published in CASE Network Studies and Analyses series. This paper by Aleksandra Iwulska, Naotaka Sugawar...

01 May 2012 | NEWS

Publication on the debate of the economic and trade issues of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement

After presenting a brief explaining the context of the negotiations launched, as well as the content and implications of the "Deep and Comprehensiv...

30 Apr 2012 | NEWS

Study on differences in growth performance and macroeconomic stability across Mediterranean count...

Despite significant economic reforms in many Southern Mediterranean EU neighbour countries, their growth performance has on average been subdued. W...

24 Apr 2012 | NEWS

CASE led Work Package deliverables on Economic integration, trade, investment and sectoral analyses

Within the MEDPRO project the third Newsletter has been published on the project website. The newsletter focuses on the research under CASE led Wor...

20 Apr 2012 | NEWS

Azerbaijan Transport Sector 2011

Azerbaijan Transport Sector presents itself as an important component of both – international trading transit routes and the country’s economy. The...