date and location:
07 April 2004

Other Events

European Union: Fears, Hopes and Expectations

A seminar organized within the  CASE European Seminar series, a joint venture of CASE and the Leopold Kronenberg Foundation, will be held on April 7,  2004 at the premises of Bank Handlowy,  Traugutta 7/9 St., Leopold Kronenberg Conference Room. The seminar will start at 9:00.


Panel Session:


Robert MANCHIN, managing director of the Gallup Organization Europe

Krzysztof ZAGÓRSKI, managing director of the Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS)

Prof. Mira MARODY, Social Psychology Department, Institute of Sociology, Warsaw University




The seminar will be held in English


During the last year European Seminars concentrated on the integration process from the perspective of development of competitive trade, immigration policy, labour market policy. This time, in the face of enlargement, we would like to invite you to the discussion abort social attitudes in accession countries, including Poland, towards European integration.  Questions that will be raised during the seminar concentrate on opportunities for creation of new civil society of enlarged Europe. Do we face and will we face in the future a distinction between "old European citizens" and "new European citizens"? Do these groups differ in perception of integration? And if yes, how do they differ? What do "old" and "new" Europeans expect from the integration and what their biggest fears? What do these groups hope to gain from integration? We put our attention to acceding countries, if expectations different countries' citizens are similar? And if they differ, than what are the causes of differences? Finally, we will show what do Poles expect from European enlargement, if their expectations are precise enough, do they know what specific benefits integration can bring them, or do they have very general and unclear vision of integration?  We will describe correlates of support for European integration and show trends of support in time. We will try not only to point fears that Poles are dealing with, but diagnose reasons behind them. Are these fears caused by the lack of knowledge and understanding of European Union? What do Poles build their perception of European Union on?  What do they know about reality of European Union societies' every day life? Are they able to find their own place in the new - after enlargement - reality? In the face of accession these questions are of great importance thus we would like to invite you to discussion on these issues.