  • Ph.D (2004) Economics,
  • M.S (1985) Theoretical Physics, Kiev State University

Vladimir Dubrovskiy

Expert - CASE Ukraine

Macroeconomics, microeconomics, political economy of transition, private sector development


Previous Positions:
Consultant for a Harvard Institute of International Development (HIID)/CASE Ukraine Macroeconomic Reform Program (1997—2000)
Expert at the Center for Economical Analysis (1996-1997)

Participated in Advisory Missions:
EE: MIGA Enterprise Benchmarking Program
EE: Service Contract for a Monitoring System for the Implementation of Projects, Programmes and Operations of external Cooperation (LOT 1) - TACIS/CARDS countries
NIS: Regional Human Development Report - Commonwealth of Independent States


International Publications:
Ukraine: The Lost Decade. . . and the Coming Boom?
Babanin, O., V. Dubrovskiy and O. Ivaschenko, Ukraine: The Lost Decade … and a Coming Boom? - the GDN "Explaining Growth" working paper. Alterpress, Kyiv, 2002. Available at:

Dubrovskiy, V., "The Privatization and Growth in the Real World: the Case of Ukraine," in Privatization in Ukraine: pros and contras (in Ukrainian), 2001  

Dubrovskiy, V., "Economic Transformation in the NIS and the Failure of the Washington Consensus: More Questions Than Answers", in: Reforms for Ukraine: Ideas and Actions, Edited by J. Szyrmer and D. Snelbecker, Alterpess, Kyiv, 2001

Dubrovskiy, V., T. Shygayeva, O. Bilothsekivets, R. Bondarenko, M. Golovanenko. "The Impact of Privatization to the Economic Behavior and Performance of the Firms in the Context of General Economic Conditions in Ukraine in the years of 2000-2001." Funded by SPFU. Under the supervision of J. Szyrmer. HIID/CASE mimeo, 2001.

project involvement: expert

case publications