01 Jan 2012 - 01 Mar 2012
Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Private sector development, innovation and knowledge-based economy, Research

Research on the subject “Analysis of Foreign Practice in the Sphere of Legislative Regulation of the Innovation Activity”

Project description

CASE shall perform research on the subject “Analysis of Foreign Practice in the Sphere of Legislative Regulation of the Innovation Activity”. Implementation objectives of the governmental innovation policy of the Russia Federation described in the Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of Russia through 2020 and specified in the draft Strategy of the innovation development of the Russian Federation through 2020, envisage the need for analysis of foreign practice of legislative regulation of the innovation activity.

Detailed analysis of case studies will allow to study not only factual information (legal acts), but also the environment, which promoted the adoption of legal acts in regulating the innovation activity.

Such countries as Israel, France and Federal Republic of Germany represent examples of “best practice” for the Russian Federation.

General Objectives of the Project

The goal of the project is to implement complex analysis of various aspects of legislative regulation of the innovation activity of specific countries. To achieve the research objective the project should fulfill the following main tasks:

  1.  A synopsis of the innovation activity of certain countries, description of the innovation environment in the country under analysis, including a review of the innovation policy, general structure of legal regulation as well as the role of legislation in the innovation development.
  2. Detailed analysis of reasons and factors, which contributed to the adoption and implementation of legislative acts aimed at the support of the innovation systems. Investigation of the key role of demand and supply of innovations (separately for each country). A list of normative acts for the project may include both laws in the sphere of the innovation activity generally and specific subject laws for promoting innovations (for example, in the sphere of education and science, entrepreneurship, intellectual property, tax and customs legislation, technical regulation, financial markets, antimonopoly regulation, among others).
  3. In depth analytical review of bylaws, accompanied rules and, in case of relevant information, applicability of legislative norms (recently adopted of effective for some time).

The review will contain description of the new legislative acts, organizations - subjects of law, specially created instruments and specific mechanisms for the implementation of the state innovation policy, which affect the development of innovation systems of the countries under research.

Project Output

The research project implementation will reveal specific aspects of legislative regulation of the innovation activity, single out best practice of legislative regulation of the innovation activity in the countries analyzed with the aim of development of practical recommendations for their implementation in the Russian Federation.



Sergey TAGOR, IET Gajdar Institute