Poland will remain an engine of growth but still has work to do

“Poland will remain an engine of growth but still has work to do” said Christopher Hartwell during the Eurobuild conference to the representatives of the real estate sector. During his keynote speech dr. Hartwell examined investment profitability in the CEE region with a focus on Poland.

In his presentation, dr. Hartwell outlined an overall economic situation in the region also in the context of current issues: Ukraine war, Russia sanctions, and Greek crisis. According to dr. Hartwell, “CEE region needs to make a concerted effort to recapture the spirit of reform and liberalization and push beyond Europe to once again lead the world in structural changes”. The challenges ahead CEE countries are the improvement of property rights, greater business freedom, and political and fiscal decentralization.

In Poland, institutional/structural change is not yet complete and there are emerging problems that Poland needs to tackle soon, including: migration of Poles to the West and immigration of foreigners, unemployment, better protection of property rights, fiscal consolidation.

Eurobuild conference “Invested Interest” took place on 12 June in Warsaw: http://eurobuildcee.com/?page=conferences&id=1153032#page_top