Webinar on Political Economy of Ukraine

On 2 April CASE broadcasted a first webinar on the up-to-date topics relating to CEE countries: http://emerging-europe.com/webinars/webinar-4-2/

The webinar was dedicated to the Political Economy of Ukraine.

The speakers were:
Anders Åslund, Senior Fellow at Peterson Institute for International Economics, Chairman of the CASE Advisory Council;
Oleh Havrylyshyn, Professor at Toronto University and the Joint Vienna Institute, CASE Fellow;
Christopher Hartwell, President of CASE.

The webinar was organized together with Why Emerging Europe (EE) and was be moderated by Andrew Wrobel, chief Editor of EE.

CASE regularly comments on the situation in Ukraine and releases publications related to the economic topics in CEE countries.
Read our latest publication on SME-condition in Ukraine:Transfer of Know-how for Small and Mid-size Businesses in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine White Paper: Ukraine