01 May 2012 - 01 Oct 2014
Advisory, Europe, Infrastructure, energy and climate change, transport

Development of an Evaluation Framework for the Introduction of Electromobility (DEFINE)

Project description

The project focuses on the costs and benefits of introducing electromobility in three European Countries: Poland, Austria and Germany. Electromobility is often proposed to be the solution for the problem of combining individual transportation with an ecologically sustainable development.

The consortium of leading research institutions from the above listed countries will conduct an analysis of the anticipated change in the mobility pattern: from fuel-based transportation to one relying on electromobility. Within the coherent technical framework realistic technical developments can be discerned from unrealistic ones, such that the analyses made will always relate to a reasonable description of the technological progress that can be expected.

General Objectives of the Project

The project aims to:

  • estimate and assess the full economic costs associated with a higher share of electric mobility.
  • analyse the impact on the electricity grid and externalities such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and reductions of air pollutants
  • to consider different social and behavioural settings and possible political incentives

Project Structure and Involvement of CASE

Project is divided into twelve work packages, out of which three will be led by CASE.
CASE involvement will include:

  • Identifying determinants and barriers for purchasing low carbon vehicles and estimates the willingness-to-pay in Poland.
  • Examining the environmental benefits of an increased uptake of electromobility derived from the quantification of external costs of both, electricity generation and vehicle use.
  • Applying both economic models, the hybrid general equilibrium model and the electricity market model to Poland as a case study.

Project Output

The expected outcomes include:

  • Technical results that will be published as individual Working Papers (e.g. within the framework of ENEPRI: www.enepri.org). As the participating institutes each reach a wide audience at national level; all results will be diffused in the scientific community at European level (and beyond).  Working Papers will also be made available on the websites of the individual institutes
  • The policy briefs to be published by IHS and by other participating institutes
  • Most of the deliverables of this project to be presented at scientific forums and conferences (The academic discussions will improve the quality of the papers)

Additionally, the following reports are to be delivered throughout the duration of the project:

  • First interim report (month 6)
  • First yearly report (month 12)
  • Second interim report (month 18)
  • Second yearly report (month 24)
  • Final report (month 30)
  • Policy Guidelines (“Pathway to Electromobility”) (month 12)


leader: Institute for Advanced Studies (Vienna)
Institut fur Hohere Studien (IHS)
Deutches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW)
Insitut fur Energiesysteme Elektrische Antriebe, Technische Universitat Wien (ESEA)
Oko-Institut (OEI)
